Finding Grace by Jason G. Lutz

Finding Grace by Jason G. Lutz

but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
(‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:28‬ ‭NASB‬‬)
For your midweek pick me up devotional I am going to write about sin and judgment.  You’re welcome!  Because it is the best News ever!  I think believers are a bit cheeky, myself most of all, when we say something like “a sin is a sin” or “God judges sin equally” or “I just sin differently”.  Not that we are wrong in making these statements, but I think what we actually mean is “see Lord, at least I didn’t do that”.  Reason is a funny thing.
I think this is the case because there is something much harder to admit: that I fall so short of the Glory of God and the Holiness and Goodness He created me for that I fully deserve eternal condemnation.  What is more, I fall so short in treating people as well as and valuing them as much as I can and just appreciating this life, my mind, and my body that I fully deserve eternal condemnation.
Jehovah is not a tyrant, He is actually quite long suffering.  He is neither mean nor evil – may it never be said.  He is just, because He loves He is just.  Justice always means getting what we deserve and I simply deserve an eternity outside of His presence (that is Hell my friends).  Yet…
I have a really good Advocate.  I have in my corner a Savior who will say, “Jason certainly failed the minimum expectations of a man time and time again.  Jason certainly didn’t try his best.  Jason was arrogant.  But Jason trusted in the Righteousness and Promises of God.  Jason had faith that God the Father desires to save and that He elected him”.  We absolutely must understand, it is not for Jesus to say, “Father, You misunderstand what my servant went through please set aside justice”.  No, it is for him to say, “Father I paid his penalty, I claim him”.  And here we find Grace!


Grace be with you,



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