Growing Weary by Jason G. Lutz

Growing Weary by Jason G. Lutz

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
(‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)
The last few days in Charleston seem to be a reward for our patient-impatience with the Winter that would not end.  Don’t worry, I complained as much as anyone.  And yet, we have made it to May and it is lovely.  Let us Trust that He who gives all great Gifts rewards His workers, just as May always comes around.
That is so easy to type, yet so hard to live out.  Is it not?  Putting ourselves out there, admitting weakness, being an example, volunteering for the tough work, or giving until we cannot afford something we desire; all while expecting no immediate affirmation.  That is a tall order!
Then again May is lovely and the Kingdom of God is priceless.  And the Spirit is not on the sidelines watching us spend out all we got.  No!  He is actively working and molding and building us in ways we do not comprehend.
God, our Father, is blessing us here and now.  I can promise you that your life is rich with both the Great Things of God and Opportunities to know Purpose.  I think the great Apostle, Paul, would agree that part of not losing heart is opening our eyes to just how good God really is.  Live in it!
Grace be with you,



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