Colossians 3:11 by Jason G. Lutz

Colossians 3:11 by Jason G. Lutz

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.”(‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬)
Athanasius was an early Christian Bishop in Egypt, he was influenced and often provided haven by devout monks who lived in the African deserts.  These monks, through Athanasius, became an influence upon the great Augustine.  Augustine, from what is now Algeria, is highly regarded by almost all varieties of Christian denominations.  Yet, we know him for his writing’s influence upon Martin Luther.  Luther, the great reformer, influenced a handful of somewhat odd Germans who utilized full Baptism of adult believers.  Many of these Germans found a place in William Penn’s grand experiment of Pennsylvania and 250 some years later one of their descendants is writing this devotional. Is not God’s Church Grand?

Grand as a noun!  We are speaking of God’s power and freedom to raise up those whom He wills to raise up.  This transcends any and all boundaries.  What is more, there is a consistency of soundness in doctrine in the face of controversy and change amongst all who I have named despite outside differences.  The Sovereignty of God, the authority of His Word, and His Initiative simply cannot be contained nor defeated.  So we can look forward with joy!

We must remember that our trust is not in the outward church of buildings, motivational sermons, and political ambition.  No, our trust is in the Living God who raises up what Karl Barth called “The Church of Jacob”.  Of course, this is a restatement of Augustine’s “Invisible Church”, which is expounded from the teaching of the Apostle Paul in Romans.  The universal Church of those who are His which is Persevered by His Grace and stands behind the church we can see.

So what is the practical application here?  Our minds must insist upon sound Biblical teaching while also being open to change in the way the Church of Jacob is brought out.  Two of my favorite current Christian thought leaders are Francis Chan and Voddie Baucham Jr.  Both maintain a focus on the Word of God and the need for worship in our homes (this to a different degree).  Are you mentally prepared to have worship at home surrounded by folks who do not look like you, not because we have to but because we want to?  Are you mentally prepared to follow Church leadership of varied background and skin color?  Of course, none of this would be anything new to the Kingdom fo God.

Grace be with you,



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