1 Corinthians 6:20 by Jason G. Lutz

1 Corinthians 6:20 by Jason G. Lutz

for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
(‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬)
God Himself has authority over our entire being.  He retains Authority over us and the Freedom to work in us as he sees fit.  It is this reality that we so often kick against, yet it is this that is simply wonderful to understand.  We must know that the influence of our sin, our culture, media of all types, and (yes) the devil is against our ultimate Good.  Yet, the guidance of the Holy Spirit is for His Glory, our only joy.
Yes, He defines our roles in this Christian life.  Yes, He gives us things to do and things not to do.  Yes, He has high expectations for those who are His.  We should not neglect the Old Testament, but the New is pretty clear cut about roles and lifestyle for those in the Church.  And we should not confuse His patience with negotiation, He is unchanging.
In this thought, I read something wonderful, regarding the inspiration of the New Testament.  Borrowed and paraphrased: in writing the New Testament the Apostles were inspired in every single letter, yet their individual personality shines through.  Certainly!  Does not the Holy Spirit know us intimately and mold us Purposefully?  Just as with the Apostles our Personalities are molded by the Holy Spirit despite sinful desires.  That my friends is the Power of the Living God!
So what does this mean in real time?  First, we must recognize Holy as meaning Holy.  The Spirit absolutely seeks to drive sin out of our entire being.  Second, we have to change.  New life means new life, it requires fundamental change in our views and actions.  Third, Joy is in it all and the result of it all.  Remember that.
Grace be with you,


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