Letter to the Church

Letter to the Church

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
– 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Dear Family,

This passage was written by Paul the Apostle to remind the church of Thessalonica to give all the glory to God, to never cease in communicating with our Heavenly Father, and to remember from whom your blessings flow. As we usher in this new year we will begin to see some change, not only in our church, but in the world we see around us. Some for the good and some not so much, but as we go through these experiences I urge you to find the words of the Apostle Paul comforting and reassuring. All things work together for good and the furtherance of His kingdom. We as a church should allow 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to be a reminder that we should Pray without ceasing, and in doing so, we will continue to be a part of God’s perfect will.

Pastor Bill Tanzey challenged us to Pray at-lease 3 times a day for Emmanuel Baptist Church. We challenge you to continue to invest into our mission and vision, that we are going to show that the best possible life is found in Jesus Christ. The fact is that God is not done with the West Side and God is definitely not done with Emmanuel Baptist Church.

So, this New Year means New Beginnings in Christ. Let us set our face towards the mission and the will of the Lord, and allow His light to be our guide. Together, as one body of believers, we can overcome any roadblocks that come our way. Remember, Pray first and continue seek God.

May God be with you,
Pastor DaVontae Edwards


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