Treasures in Heaven by Jason G. Lutz

Treasures in Heaven by Jason G. Lutz

“but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭6:20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

We don’t think about heaven nearly enough, at least I don’t.  And I mean unashamed absent minded daydreams of heaven.  I sometimes see myself entering heaven and being greeted by Teddy Roosevelt on his horse Bleistein out hunting with my former beagles (Maverick and Coby).  I say that in good fun, but our point is here: thinking about the unimaginable Wonder that our Father has in store for us is something His Word calls us to.

Yet, there is so much to be done here and now in this world.  Does not God ask us to live out the transcendent virtue and love of His Kingdom in this world?  Of course!  And that stated reality seals the point, everything we do here and now has eternal consequence.  Our sin will dissipate by way of His righteous Act, but His Glory worked through us will live forever!
The most important case in point is those whom we love now and want to be with for all eternity.  I cannot say how we will feel about the loss of those who are not with us in heaven.  But I think we will understand God’s Justice in it.  Realize this though, we can do something about it now.
Do you see the connection between now and heaven?  Loving Elisa now and exhorting her to faith in Jesus Christ all plays into both of us spending eternity together.  What is my motive in writing this devotion?  What wakes me up in the morning? I simply cannot accept leaving any of you behind.
Grace be with you,



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