Genesis 16:5 by Jason G. Lutz

Genesis 16:5 by Jason G. Lutz

“Then Sarai said to Abram, “My wrong be upon you! I gave my maid into your embrace; and when she saw that she had conceived, I became despised in her eyes. The LORD judge between you and me.””
(Genesis 16:5 NKJV)

Never doubt that the Bible is full of drama and intrigue. Here is the story in Genesis Chapter 16: the Lord has told Abram that he will bear more descendants than the stars. Neither he nor Sarai know exactly how this will happen. Since Sarai is infertile she takes it upon herself to set up a relationship between Hagar, Sarai’s servant, and Abram; so that Hagar might bear a son to Abram. Abram complies. We can make arguments that this might have been culturally acceptable, we can identify with the desire to put a plan in place and address the unknown. But, it is sin.

Unrepeated sin and dishonesty about our sin creates barriers in our service to the Kingdom. I think most of us are pretty good in saying that we are sinners saved by Grace. Yet, I imagine most of us struggle to humble ourselves before God in specific and timely prayers of repentance. I would also say that most of us are close to being experts at rationalizing and self-denying our specific sins, let me raise my hand first. It is perfectly natural, as this is who we are as human. It takes great faith and time to be truly honest before our Creator.

But it is important to work on. No matter how noble or spiritual we consider ourselves, we play a role in the dysfunction that is around us. This is important to understand. If I am looking at other women, I am not giving my wife all the attention she deserves. If I am not giving my employer a full days work for my pay, I am cheating the company. If I am in a leadership position and I am not tuning in to other peoples ideas, I am letting them down. This is all true even if I am a good husband, employee, and leader. This is all true even if I don’t know it.

I hope the examples suggest how even private and nonviolent sin can harm those around us and harms our ability to serve others as we are called to do. I encourage each of you to pray that God reveals hidden sin. I also encourage you to pray that the Spirit reveals the role you have played in negative situations and how to address them. I also encourage each of you to admit to Him your sins and accept the forgiveness our Lord offers. He will free you to serve, just as Sarai herself became the mother of faithful.


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