Keep track of what EBC is up to by checking this page every so often. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more immediate updates.
Second Sunday Lunch
Second Sunday lunch following the morning worship service.
Board of Servants Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Board of Servants.
Bible Study
Bible Study with Pastor Don.
ABWM Spiritual Growth Retreat
American Baptist Women state-wide retreat at Parchment Valley.
Abundant Life Class Meeting
Abundant Life Class Meeting.
Bible Study
Bible Study with Pastor Don.
Quilt Ministry
Quilt Ministry meets for projects, crafts, and social time.
Worship at Harmony
Join Pastor Don as he leads worship for the residents at Harmony at Southridge.
Men of the Word
Men’s small group breakfast and Bible Study, led by Jason Lutz. Come at *;00 am if you want to help cook.
Quilt Ministry
Quilt Ministry meets for projects, crafts, and social time.