Choir Christmas Cantata
Presentation of the Christmas Cantata “A Light Still Shines” by the Chancel Choir during the morning worship service.
Abundant Life Class Meeting
Abundant Life Class Meeting.
Wedding Reception Pending
Wedding reception rental request pending. Waiting for confirmation.
Finance Committee Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Finance Committee.
Board of Shepherds Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Board of Shepherds.
Christmas Carolling
Join the fun of visiting shut-ins and neighbors to sing Christmas carols to them followed by hot chocolate and cookies in the Great Room.
White Gift Service
Collection of non-perishable food items wrapped in white tissue paper (the white gift) to give to less fortunate families for food during the holiday season. This program will be part of the morning Worship Service.
Quilt Ministry Luncheon
Quilt Ministry Christmas Luncheon in the Gathering Area.
Men of the Word
Men’s small group Bible Study and breakfast led by Jason Lutz. Come at 8:00 am if you want to help cook. Come at 9:00 am for breakfast and Bible Study.
Christmas Cave Trip
Trip to Minford, Ohio to the Christmas Cave. See Debbie Shadowen for details.