Youth Meeting
Youth meet for food, fun, fellowship, and Bible lessons.
KCS Math Field Day Setup
Preparing for Kanawha County Schools Math Field Day.
Communion Service
Communion service during morning worship.
Men of the Word
Men’s small group breakfast and Bible Study, led by Jason Lutz. Come at *;00 am if you want to help cook.
WVBC Training at PV
Training for Church Officers and ministry leaders at Parchment Valley. Visit the WVBC website for more information. Classes begin at 9:00 a.m.
Choir Practice
Choir practice.
Bible Study
Bible Study with Pastor Don.
Children’s Bible Study
Elementary School Children’s Bible Study with Debbie Shadowen.
Youth Meeting
Youth meet for food, fun, fellowship, and Bible lessons.
Harmony Worship
Pastor Don leads worship for the residents at Harmony at Southridge and invites you to attend.