Past Events (Page 47)

Past Events (Page 47)

Missionary Presentation

Sarah McCloy, who is preparing for her first missionary assignment to Japan, will come to speak to our congregation about her vision for the mission.

EBC Quilters Meeting

The EBC Quilters are a group of people interested in making quilts and other items to give to those in the church and through outside organizations. New members are always welcome.

Reverse Trunk or Treat

A reverse Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival will all ages will start with Reverse Trunk or Treat on the parking lot followed by a Fall Festival with games and treats in the Ministry Center. Everyone Welcome!

Jay Humphreys Trio in Concert

Jay Humphreys Trio in Concert  – Saturday October 15, 2022 at 6:30 pm. Emmanuel Baptist Church, 1401 Washington Street West, Charleston WV 25387. 304-342-4988. Free concert.  Love offering will be taken to defray expenses.