Julia Fournier Wedding Shower
A wedding shower for Julia Fournier in the church Gathering Area.
Family Night
Painting Class taught by Shirley Cunningham. Painting will have an Easter theme. Class is only open to first 25 people who register. Register by contacting Debbie Shadowen (304-444-2298) to register. Cost is $5 per person (max. cost is $15 per family).
Choir Practice
Chancel Choir Practice
Adult Bible Study
Weekly Bible Study with Pastor Don.
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Weekly Bible Study
Finance Committee Meeting
Church Finance Committee Meets
Prayer Time
Tuesday prayer time in sanctuary with Pastor Don.
Second Sunday Lunch
Lunch provided by the church youth group. Cost of lunch is by donation. Dick and Margie Stockton to provide music during lunch.
Worship Service
Weekly Worship Service
Sunday School
Sunday School Classes Nursery through Adult