Sunday School
Sunday School. Nursery through adult classes provided.
Men of the Word
Men’s Bible Study and breakfast group with Jason Lutz. Breakfast at 9:00 am. Come at 8:00 am if you want to help cook.
Adult Bible Studay
Bible Study with Pastor Don.
Prayer Time
Tuesday prayer time in the sanctuary with Pastor Don.
Stockton Birthday Party
Gathering Area and kitchen reserved by Dick Stockton for birthday party.
Memorial Day
Observance of Memorial Day. Church Office closed all day.
Worship Service
Worship Service. Observance of Pentecost Sunday.
Sunday School
Sunday School. Nursery through adult classes provided.
Eli and Julia Wedding
Eli and Julia are getting married in Hanover, Virginia. Pastor Don officiating.
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study. Guest Bible Study leader to be announced at later date.