Quilting Ministry
Quilting Ministry meets for crafts and social time.
Men of the Word
Men’s breakfast and Bible Study with Jason Lutz. Come at 8:00 am if you want to help cook.
Illusionist – Bill Stokes
A special family event. Christian Illusionist Bill Stokes will provide an evening of entertainment. We will also have music and light deserts!
Abundant Life SS Class Luncheon
Abundant Life Sunday School Class luncheon.
WVBC Annual Meeting
Annual State meeting of the West Virginia Baptist Convention.
Board of Trustees Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Board of Servants Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Servants.
Quilting Ministry Meeting
Meeting of the Quilting Ministry for crafts and social time.
Finance Committee Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Church Budget and Finance Committee.
Finance Committee Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Church Budget and Finance Committee.