Harmony at Southridge Ministry
Join Pastor Don as he ministers to the residents at Harmony at Southridge. All are welcome.
Game Day
An afternoon of various games including Pickleball, Volleyball, Basketball, Cornhole, and Board Games. Fun for the entire family. Bring finger foods and snacks to share. Water will be provided.
Katie Boyce Adams Baby Shower
Gathering Area and Kitchen reserved by Debbie Shadowen.
Youth Destination Unknown
Overnight Trip to a location that will be revealed when you get there.
Church Office Closed
Observance of Martin Luther King Day.
2nd Sunday Lunch
Food and Fellowship following the morning Worship Service. Love Gift offering for lunch is taken at the Great Hall door.
Sunday School
Sunday School Classes. Classes available for all ages.
Quilting Ministry
Quilting Ministry meets for making quilts and fellowship.
Youth Group
Youth gather for food, fun, fellowship, and Bible Study.
Worship Service and Communion
Sunday morning worship service. Communion will be served at the conclusion of the service.