Family Game Day
Game time in the Ministry Center! Play pickleball, four square, cornhole, board games, and card games! The gym will be open for basketball. Free hot dogs and water. Bring a snack to share and bring your own soft drinks if you want more than water.
Board of Trustees Meeting
Board of Servants Meeting
Meeting of the Board of Servants.
Second Sunday Lunch
Congregation lunch and fellowship time in the Great Hall after the morning worship service. Donations are taken at the door to defray the cost of the food.
Bring A Friend to Church Sunday
It is “Bring a Friend to Church Sunday”! Invite a friend to attend church with you and invite them to stay for the Second Sunday lunch afterwards.
Quilting Ministry Meeting
Meet for quilting crafts, fellowship, and snacks.
Budget and Finance Committee Meeting
Meeting of the Church Budget and Finance Committee.
Board of Shepherds Meet
Church Board of Shepherds meeting.
Men of the Word
Men’s breakfast and Bible Study group with Jason Lutz leading. Come at 8:00 am if you want to help cook breakfast.
Rental – Ignite Athletic Banquet
Gathering Area, Great Room and Kitchen rented for private event.