First-time Attendees

First-time Attendees

We are so glad you have chosen to visit our web site and we welcome you to come worship with us in the near future.

When visiting a church for the first time it is natural to have several questions about what to expect. Hopefully the questions and answers below will help you feel more comfortable during your visit.

What should I wear? When you visit Emmanuel Baptist, what you wear is not as important as you deciding to worship with us. Congregants are welcome to wear jeans and t-shirts, suits and dresses and most anything in between.

Where can I park? There is a large parking lot at the back and side of the church. It is easily assessed form both Florida Street and 7th Avenue. There is also a convenient KRT bus stop right at our front doors.

What door should we go to? While there are beautiful wooden doors at the front of the church on Washington Street that open into the front of the sanctuary, most people enter through the glass doors on the 7th Avenue side of the church. You are welcome to use either of these entrances.

Will there be anyone there that can answer my questions? As you enter the parking lot doors you will be greeted by a member of our welcoming ministry team. They are there to help you find your way around the church building and answer any questions you may have.

Are there Sunday School Classes? Yes! There are many options for you to get involved with a Sunday School class or Small Group on Sunday morning. There are classes for children, teens, and adults starting at 9:45 . Please ask a greeter about age-appropriate classes and locations.

Is there something for my children to do? Yes! We have a Sunday School class for every age level at 9:45 We also have a nursery to care for children preschool and younger while you worship with us. We encourage middle school and high school students to join worship service in the sanctuary.

Are my children welcome in the worship service? Absolutely! We believe in the importance of families worshipping together. However, we also know that there are times when parents or guardians just need to worship without the distraction of young children. That is why we also provide nursery services.