This space is for important announcements of upcoming events and church service cancellations.
Join us for a special worship service on Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025. The Choir will present an Easter Musical titled “I Surrender All”.

Come hear the Disciple’s Stories on Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 7:00 pm.
Travel back in time to the Last Supper where Jesus gathered with His disciples. He influenced these twelve men whom He called to be His disciples over the previous three years. Each of these men’s lives were touched by His example and teaching. This special presentation by the men of Emmanuel Baptist Church will tell the story of each disciple – telling how Jesus impacted their lives. Communion will be served at the conclusion of the presentation.

“Son-Rise” Service Easter Sunday at CATO Park Swimming Pool Parking Lot
We will have a special “Son-Rise” service on a hill overlooking the City of Charleston. Join us at Cato Park at 6:30 am. We will sing together and hear Pastor Don’s telling of the resurrection story while we watch the sun come up over the city. This is a wonderful way to start your Easter Sunday!