Moses by Jason G. Lutz

Moses by Jason G. Lutz

And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him.”
(‭‭Matthew‬ ‭17:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)
Running within the Grand Narrative of the first five books of the Bible is a biography of Moses.  Is he not a fascinating guy?  He grew up rich and lost it.  He made something out of nothing in the desert, only to then be Compelled by God to go back into Egypt and take responsibility for the Hebrews.  Sure he got angry at times, but he also seemed to make good decisions and surrounded himself with able people; and, if at times begrudgingly, he put God’s will first.
Yet at the end of his life he is told the following:
“…Even you shall not go in there.”
‭‭(Deuteronomy‬ ‭1:37‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)
Basically after all his work Moses was barred from leading the people into the Promised Land.  It is pretty easy to argue from our armchairs that it was probably time for a new voice.  And history shows that Joshua was the ideal leader for the campaign that followed, he was a true warrior.  Yet it all seems unfair.
I’m going to bet that I am not the only one who has a laundry list of uncompleted goals.  I am also going to bet I am not the only one who has invested time and energy into what I thought would be a great endeavor only to see it crumble.  And even worse to our vanity, sometimes our intended endeavors perform better without us.
Ah! But where do we next see Moses?  Standing beside Christ in His Transfiguration.  We see Moses consulting with Christ in Christ’s Glory.  Which Promised Land do you think he found more pleasing, the one of earth and water or the one of Heavenly Richness?  Let me be blunt.  God the Father has a Plan for you and that plan is your Redemption, Salvation, and Reconciliation unto Him.  There will be a day in which we value this far more than we suffer any failures in this world.
(Note: this devotion was inspired by a conversation with Ricky Nelson, thanks to him for helping to draw it out)


Grace be with you,


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