Jesus Answered by Jason G. Lutz

Jesus Answered by Jason G. Lutz

“Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.”
(‭‭John‬ ‭9:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬)

I know that I have talked about it, but I honestly do not remember if I have written about an event I experienced this past Summer. I was in my truck getting ready to go into Staples and I heard a knock on my door. It was a well-spoken yet poorly dressed man and he flat out asked me for help. He asked if I could follow him to Sheetz and buy him some gas. Of course, I was in a hurry and said that I could not, nor did I have any cash on me. So I did nothing.

Let us push everything else aside and understand that this was much less a failing of my charity or my humanity, and much more a failing of my ability to see God’s Glory in this man and through this man. I failed to see how God worked this situation exactly so that His Glory might be revealed. Yet, I neglected my Duty. I did not answer His call.

Not to ignore the need for a little
more charity and a little more humanity, but in this I think Christ’s example shines through. He saw healing and helping as opportunity for God’s Glory to be known. He saw people not as humans but as beings loved by the Father. His Work was more than superficial it was Eternal.

So this past Monday morning as I was beginning my day, sitting outside the South Charleston Post Office, there was a knock on my truck door. The same man asked me for help and this time I answered the call.

Grace be with you,



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