“I am God, the God of your father,” the voice said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make your family into a great nation.” (Genesis 46:3)

A brief understanding. The aforementioned verse is drawn out of a conversation between God and Jacob before Jacob went to Egypt to meet Joseph and eventually reside in Egypt. I will make your family into a great nation. Let us look at this promise from a purely historical perspective. Jacob and his family traveled to Egypt and at first were treated well. However, over the years the Hebrew people were more or less drawn into growing Egyptian imperial designs. Jacob’s family became slaves to Pharaoh and were forced into hard labor for centuries. Fast forward through Moses, Joshua, the Judges, and David till we find this promise fulfilled in Solomon’s time; as Jerusalem became a center of commerce, Israel had significant political pull due to trade routes through the lands, and crack Hebrew soldier’s protected the roads and the cities. God never fails on a promise.

Yet, this took 900 or so years. I think this can be categorized as “we understand it, but we do not like it”. The length of God’s timing and patience is well documented in His Word and we know it. Being at peace with God’s timing and patience is an entirely different matter. The future always seems uncertain, despite a history of fulfilled Promises. And that is ok, we are who we are as humans. But I think there are a few things we can do mentally to alleviate this pressure we bring upon ourselves.

Chose to understand that His church is a work in progress and it requires builders. At no time will any church be clicking on all cylinders. Groups of the best intentioned people simply miss it or do not have the resources to serve as desired. But God has never allowed His church to be defeated; beyond this He has done amazing things through it! Choosing involvement is choosing to be part of God’s vision for His people. More simply, we see Him in action far more when we share with fellow believers.
Choose to learn and cultivate Spiritual Gifts. Each of us is blessed with Giftedness through the Spirit; it is our responsibility to develop these Gifts. Put the work in, learn new Gifts, and test the parameters of self-limitation. Action can mitigate so many fears. Being part of the cure demonstrates to us and others how God is working right now.
Choose the well-being of others. I firmly believe the height of human existence is when the individual becomes an important part of something much greater than themselves. Our time, our love, our energy when dedicated to improving the lives of others moves the Kingdom of God in a way in which waiting for good things to happen cannot.


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