Exodus by Jason G. Lutz

Exodus by Jason G. Lutz

Now Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke because the LORD had descended on it in fire. The smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain trembled greatly (Exodus 19:18)

Chapter 19 of Exodus is simply Grand. In this interaction between God and His people we can see His Glory thunder forth. Certainly the consumption in fire and the trembling of the Mountain would be a fearful thing. And His people at all times are wise to fear and revere Him. Yet, could we possibly be concerning ourselves too much with His wrath, or the potential for His wrath, when we see His power in the Old Testament? Can we not also see His constant Desire to make us something holier and better than what we are now and nothing less?

…and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. (Exodus 19:6)

Here we catch a glimpse of His divine Purposes. Not doubt He led the Exodus to free the Hebrews. No doubt He intended to demonstrate His power over the pagan gods of the Egyptians. No doubt He fulfilled a Promise by giving good land and blessings to His people. Yet, He desired so much more for them. He desired them to demonstrate His holy and righteous Character to the Nations around them. He desired them to serve the Purpose greater than the individual or the nation.

Could we possibly understand this demonstration of His Holiness in Exodus 19 not as angry but as a demonstration of Commitment in Power to His Kingdom and His People? We need not spend time here considering ability or inability of the Hebrews or ourselves to remain obedient to His Will and His Desire. We must strongly consider His Glory as Scripture is revealing it. It is the Glory of He who uttered, “you shall be my treasured possession” (Exodus 19:5).


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